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Hygiene Therapy

ID Dental Hygiene

ID Dental - Cleanings

Whether you have healthy gums or are in a state of active periodontal disease, routine home maintenance -  although very effective - only focuses on areas of the tooth that are above the gum line.

It is only through regular scaling and root planing procedures that remove plaque, tartar and bacterial toxins from those hard-to-reach areas below the gum line, that we are able to keep your gums healthy from top to bottom!

That is why at ID Dental we recommend visits twice yearly for maintenance/preventative care, unless your oral health status dictates you require more frequent visits.

Depending on your preventative treatment schedule, some visits may include:

  • taking x-rays to check bone levels (a good indicator of chronic gum and bone disease)
  • measuring the depth of periodontal pockets
  • checking for loose teeth or bleeding gums
  • removing plaque or tartar above and below the gum line
  • reviewing your home care techniques and their resulting effectiveness
  • oral cancer screening and checking the tissues of the head and neck

Regular periodontal and preventative maintenance visits help us break the stronghold of bacteria in your gums and slow or eliminate their destructive effects.  As such, removal of tarter and bacteria are crucial to treating gingivitis, controlling periodontal disease and preventing tooth decay. How do we accomplish this?

We use an ultrasonic scaler

An ultrasonic scaler consists of a wand with a small scaling tip that produces soft ultrasonic vibrations and a gentle flow of water. As the tip moves along the tooth surface, it creates small pulses that break up plaque, tartar and other debris.

The benefits of ultrasonic scaling

Ultrasonic scaling has proven to be very effective in removing large debris below the gum line in a very quick and efficient manner.  Because of this, appointment times are shortened and patient comfort is improved.  However, to ensure complete care, hand scaling is still always completed afterwards.

If you desire to improve your smile and potentially
your quality of life then contact us today at 403.263.3136!

ID Dental - Digital X-Rays

Many of us have been to the dentist recently enough to remember how uncomfortable it is to get dental x-rays taken. Biting down on a sharp piece of x-ray film, while the dentist triggered the machine from behind a lead shield, used to be an unavoidable part of dental care.

However, new technologies have developed which can eliminate this type of discomfort, as well as providing better-quality images. Dental digital x-rays are a product of these technological advances.

With these, the x-ray film is replaced with an electronic sensor which emits a small amount of x-rays into the part of the mouth it is pointed at, and relays information back to a computer screen, where both dentist and patient can clearly see how the patient's teeth are doing.


Digital x-rays are computer generated images. These images require up to 90% less radiation than with conventional film type x-rays. Instead of using the traditional silver-oxide x-ray film that must be developed and then fixed in caustic and environmentally damaging solutions, the new system takes pictures via a small electronic sensor and it then instantaneously transmits a picture of the tooth onto the video monitor in the treatment room. Therefore, we can see your teeth and surrounding structures immediately.

Not only does the new digital x-ray eliminate the usual wait for x-ray film to be processed, but it also is highly sensitive, so that patients are exposed to even less radiation than with conventional x-rays.

There are numerous advantages of dental digital x-rays, as opposed to traditional dental x-rays.

First of all, anything that reduces the discomfort experienced in the dental chair is welcomed, and these newer x-rays do just that. Also, there is no need to wait for the x-ray film to be developed before it can be viewed, meaning the checkup as a whole takes less time. The image brought up on the computer screen is also clearer, in part because the sensor used to make dental digital x-rays is much more sensitive than x-ray film. Because it is more sensitive, the patient's x-ray exposure can also be dramatically reduced. Also the sensor pads that we place in your mouth that record the images to the computer are extremely flexible and comfortable to you the patient. Inside each sensor is the equivalent of a digital camera that is sensitive to x-rays.

One of the most significant features of dental digital x-rays is that, with the proper additional software, dentists can use a technique known as subtractive radiography. This means that new x-ray images can be compared with older ones from the same patient. This comparison is performed digitally, by the computer, meaning that it will sometimes catch differences that would escape detection in a visual comparison. The patient is the one who benefits most from this, because potential problems can often be seen and caught earlier by this method than they would have been.

ID Dental - Sealants

Sealants are not just for Children anymore!

At ID Dental, we like to offer our patients Sealants as an alternative for treatment prevention.

So what is a Sealant? A sealant is a safe plastic-like material that is painted on to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and pre-molars) and acts like a physical barrier to "seal out" germs and food that cause tooth decay and destroy the tooth structure.

Sealants are 100% effective in reducing tooth decay and can last as long as the sealants remain intact (which is normally 15 years or longer). Adults especially can benefit from sealants due to the fact that it has been proven that 95% of all people will eventually have cavities or pits/fissures/grooves in their teeth.

Since Molars are especially susceptible to having deeper grooves, more than 85% to 90% of all tooth decay begins here. The natural valleys of the molars make it harder to clean them by brushing alone. The enamel in these areas can also be thinner making them easier to destroy by the germs that cause cavities.

Another factor is that most toothbrush bristles bend are too large to fit into these grooves. Sealants cannot only prevent cavities but can also arrest the progress of decay. All with the goal of having healthy teeth that can last a lifetime!

Sealants do need to be checked at your regular Hygiene appointments to make sure that the seal is not chipped or broken.

If you think that sealants may be of interest to you, then please be sure to book a free consultation with the ID Dental Hygiene Team to determine if you would be a good candidate for this procedure. You can call us at (403) 263-3136 or use our online appointment request form.

ID Dental - Periowave (Laser Gum Therapy)

Periowave is the latest in non-thermal light technology. We use the laser light - combined with a photosensitizing solution - to kill the bacteria associated with periodontal (gum) disease.

Periodontal (gum) disease occurs when a bacterial infection develops where the gums and teeth join. Harmful bacteria release enzymes that will cause bone loss, receding gums and eventually tooth loss. Red, swollen, bleeding gums, persistent bad breath or tooth sensitivity are signs of periodontal (gum) disease. In a healthy mouth 1 to 3 mm (shallow) pocket depths exist where the teeth and gums meet. Pockets that measure 4 mm and greater indicate gum disease may be present! Your dentist or dental hygienist will evaluate the health of your gums by recording measurements from probe readings.

With the advanced technology of the Periowave, we are now able to broaden our scope of "non-surgical" services and improve the standard of care for all our patients. The Periowave is painless, non-antibiotic, quick, effective and safe! This allows us to use the Periowave in conjunction with scaling and root planning to provide the optimal care for the fight against periodontal (gum disease).

At ID Dental, we are always looking for a new approach to you and your family's dental care. So call us today to book your appointment at (403) 263-3136.

ID Dental - Oral Cancer Screenings

ID Dental is proud to offer the Oral Cancer Screening as part of your patient examination.

ID Dental - Oral Hygiene Education

At ID Dental, educating our patients about Oral Hygiene is extremely important to us. Our goal is to help you have full oral health for a lifetime!

It is necessary to focus on your dental hygiene as it is the process where you maintain proper dental care to avoid oral health problems. It is recommended that you see your dentist and dental hygienist at least twice a year. However, the dental care that you provide on your own "in-house" is an integral part of maintaining good oral health. A good in-house regimen supplemented by regular dentist check-ups and cleanings is the best way to prevent dental emergencies.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is recommended at least twice a day to remove plaque and the remnants of food and drink from our teeth and gums. Flossing once a day is an essential practice to avoid gum disease and preventing tooth decay. An oral rinse also helps promote good oral hygiene as it will reduce oral discomfort, provide moisture to oral tissues and help with bad breath. More therapeutic oral rinses can be anti-plaque, anti-cavity, anti-tarter, and anti-bacterial and are all good at preventing oral health problems. Ask your ID Dental practitioner what they recommend for you.

Practicing the above oral hygiene habits are great ways to maintain proper oral health. But good habits alone will not remove all the plaque that builds up over time. This is why it is necessary to see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly to remove the plaque in order to most effectively lower your risk of toothaches, cavities, periodontal disease or even the loss of all your teeth. By removing plaque you reduce your chances of needing root canals, tooth extractions, dental bridges, crowns and more. Your ID Dental team will ensure that you will receive the necessary treatment to maintain good oral health of your teeth, mouth and gums ........and to keep you smiling!

ID Dental - Regular Check-Ups

So what IS the importance of the dental cleaning? While not only beneficial for appearance sake, there are numerous health benefits from a regular check-up of your teeth.

Firstly, maintaining a regular dental check up schedule will ensure that any potential dental issues are quickly identified and treated before they can turn into painful, and highly expensive, medicals issues that may require surgery or permanent treatment options.

The importance of the regular check-up ranges from preventing fatal conditions to maintaining healthy gum and teeth so they are working at their optimal level. On one end of the scale, regular dental visits will clear the patient of any potential oral cancers which are highly curable if caught early on. On a lesser scale but perhaps far more prevalent is gum disease, which is an infection of the gum tissue and the bone. This is also true of cavities and broken fillings which, if left untreated can result in root canals, gum surgery and removal of teeth.

On a superficial level, regular checkups prevent the build up of plaque and clean the teeth and gums to a healthy level, thereby reducing the onset of bad breath. Statistics show that 85 percent of people with persistent bad breath can attribute it to a dental problem and low dental appointment attendance.

So how regularly should you go for these checkups with your dentist? A good rule of thumb is once every six months - providing that you have not experienced any sensitivity, pain or discomfort anywhere in your mouth.

However, there are certain conditions that require more frequent visits to the dentist, including periodontal and gum disease, poor oral hygiene habits, high use of tobacco and alcohol, pregnancy, diabetes and certain medical conditions. These conditions leave the patient with a higher risk of gum disease, oral cancer and cavities - so patients who fall into any of these particular categories should visit their dentist on a more regular basis.